The Single Biggest Lesson Yoga Has Taught Me
The single biggest teacher in my yoga practice to date has been working through an injury. It forces me so be SO humble every time I get...
3 Reasons Why I was Reluctant to Try Yoga
I’ve known Matt for over ten years. We met working at a bookstore during our University days. Studious as we both were, (wink, wink) I...
benefits of a Mysore-style yoga practice (self practice)
“The Mysore-style teaching format is really the perfect way for a beginner to learn yoga, as it starts from scratch and develops...
6 major branches of yoga
Raja Yoga literally means “Royal Yoga” or the “The Royal Path”. This branch refers to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras (196 aphorisms that...
Yoga. Freedom from suffering.
Yoga weakens the root causes of all suffering – the Klesas. The Five Klesas listed in the Yoga Sutras are as follows: 1) Avidya – Self...